Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Knock it Out, Shape it Up!

First of all, I must apologize, I have not posted since February, and one of my New Years resolutions was to keep this up to date. What can one do though, life happens. In my case, that is exactly what's been happening, however, I must say that life is far better than it has been in a very long time. I've started working for Salt Lake Comic Con again, I have an amazing man in my life, my daughters and I love our new home, things are finally playing out the way I have always hoped they would for the three of us.

That's just an update though, as far as what's been going on over the last couple of months and why I haven't been on here much.

The real reason for this post is because as I've been pretty much immobile since Thursday May 22nd, due to a torn ligament in my foot, and then an allergy to the pain medication they gave me, I've been doing a lot of thinking.

In my thinking I have come to realize, that although life has been phenomenal and I have been so blessed, I have not been fully embracing the blessings that I have. Not that I am not grateful, but I have been more focused on the few things left that are not-so-phenomenal. I realized I needed a change. Yes, I said it again, a change. 

The thing is, life has been ridiculously busy, yet, still blissfully wonderful. With the busy-ness though, I've lost myself a little bit. Now, please don't think this is a horrible thing, it's not, it's more along the lines of keeping things in order, my health, my fitness, my home, those sort of things.

I have come up with a plan to get things back in order and fully embrace this wonderful life that is now mine. The plan is found below.

The Plan:
(Consider it a continuation of Operation: Flab to Fab) and other things.

  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables: My plan is to strictly stick to fresh fruit, eggs and bacon and pure black coffee or green tea for breakfast. Snacking will be limited to fresh vegetables and hummus and/or fruit.
  • Exercise daily: Although I may have a gimpy leg (let's be honest, even after the torn ligament is healed, I still will have some pain every once in a while due to the newly found cysts in my leg)I will not let this hold me down, I may not be able to do all the things that other people do, but I will still be able to do some sort of cardio and strength training and will do so every single day.
  • Get a restful nights sleep: The importance of this can not be stressed enough, it really, really can't. The goal with Knock it Out, Shape it Up, is to be in bed no later than 11 p.m. during the week and no later than 1 a.m. on the weekends depending on the situation.
  • Meditate: Meditation daily, is probably one of the best things that we can do for our minds, our bodies and our souls. I never really understood the value of meditation, until I stopped doing it for a while, and I found myself, highly depressed, and vulnerable to every negative thought that popped into my mind. It's not a good thing, and it's not a good feeling.
  • Eat Regular Meals: Meaning, this habit of not eating all day, until I get to the point of almost blacking out due to my blood sugar dropping has got to come to an end. Many people think, that not eating is an effective way of losing weight, but I'm here to tell you it's not, neither is extreme dieting. It's the same as I've always said the best way to Shape it Up, is to eat healthy, all the time. Cut back on the processed junk that so many people have grown accustomed to, and stick to more "real food". "Real Food"? Food that either doesn't have an ingredients label or food that has ingredients that you can read and understand.
  • Embrace my natural beauty: I've long since, worn foundation, I've got to the point where I really only ever wear eyeliner, mascara, blush or bronzer, and lip gloss. However, I find myself, still, looking at and comparing myself to other girls. This is not okay, I dream of the day that we can all just accept each other for who we are, and not constantly compare ourselves. It's not an okay thing to do.
  • Embrace me: This perhaps is one of the very most,important things ever. I am unique, I am amazing. The other day as I was taking a bath and meditating the thought that kept popping into my head was: "Today, you are you, that is truer than true, there is no one else in this world that is youer than you". Thanks Dr. Seuss. This to me was a sign, that I really need to embrace me and all that I embody. I am a mommy, I'm a hard worker, I spread light, I love my daughters, I'm a geek. I have so much GOOD going for me, why not embrace it and just take it for everything that it's worth. I mean, there really is no one else in the world that is me, I am so blessed to be who I am. I love who I am, yes gimpy leg and all.
So there you have it, that's the start of the plan at least as I begin, and start going through it, I am sure I will be posting some updates, but as of now...I will end the plan here.

The truth is, I am so in love with my life right now, I'm going to embrace it, I'm going to embrace every bit of it. I will take the remainder of my life and make it everything I have always wanted and dreamt of for my daughters and I. So, with that, enough typing...for now, let's get this done. Time to "Knock it Out, Shape it Up!"

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