Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Operation: Flab to Fab!

Operation: Flab to Fab! 
The Mission: Not to lose weight, but to live a healthier, better life.

Okay, so a lot of people are saying, "You look great!" "If I looked as good as you..."Which is very sweet of them but the truth is this Mommy has let herself slip away with the stress of working two jobs, going to school, keeping a clean house, and being the Mommy she wants to be. I know I'm not fat, or large but I feel like crap and that's where the change needs to be made, if you don't feel good inside, then you won't look good outside, and if you don't look good outside then you lose your confidence. So that's what I've come to realize, I need to get my confidence back, I need to take action and make the changes that I need to make in order to feel better about myself, because the truth is, how can one be loved and give love in return if one doesn't love one's self? They can't, it's the truth, it may not be what you want to hear (I know I didn't want to) but it needs to be said. So there you have it, however I know that there's more to me and who I am and that's what I need to find, and how am I going to find that? By, getting healthy again, by centering myself again, by being confident in who I am and where I want to go. So...how are these things going to happen? Well, read on and you will find out...

Please do not mistake my desire to be fit and healthy with a desire to be stick skinny, that's gross and wrong and frankly pretty damn unhealthy. However, to be fit and healthy is a completely different thing. The things that I am going to be working on that you are welcome to join me are: 1) Eating clean foods, I personally try to stick to the Paleo diet but that's a tough one (even for me) so if I can't do completely paleo then the stuff that's not paleo will be gluten free (why gluten free? because think of the word itself GLU(E)ten, if you ask me that sounds like something our bodies just don't need), but if being Paleo and Gluten Free isn't for you, then I challenge you to just eat clean. Clean eating, just for a little bit, try to rid your meals of overly processed "food" (can we even call it food considering all the chemicals and shit that's put into it these days? In my opinion no) and see how you feel. "Clean" eating doesn't necessarily have to be Organic (though if you can afford it, it's much better) but simply eating more fruits and vegetables, more stuff that's not over processed. I challenge you to look at the ingredients on whatever pre-packaged foods your considering buying and if you can't pronounce all the words in the ingredients list or you can but you have no idea what the hell a certain thing is, put it back, don't buy it. Another thing? STOP with the HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP!!! They put it in everything!!! EVERYTHING, so be careful and stay away from it. If you're having trouble finding ways to stick with a healthy eating plan (NOT DIET, EATING PLAN) let me know and be sure to follow this blog as I'll be posting more of my culinary creations more regularly so if you don't know what to make that allows you to have a delicious, satisfying meal, that's still sticking to a healthy way of life you can get some inspiration.
Now, onto the other part of being healthy, let's all make a goal to do at least 30 minutes a day of some form of exercise, even if it's just something as simple as going for a walk, or doing your own combination of squats, push-ups, crunches, etc...etc...out of the comfort of your own home. If you have a gym membership, USE IT. I'm so grateful for mine and I am also SO grateful that my local Golds Gym offers child care (I bet yours does too) that way I have no excuse to NOT go to they gym, because I can just take the other two whovians with me, they get to play and interact with other kids and I can still get a workout, talk about a win!! :) 

Going to school, furthering your education is one of the best things we can do for ourselves, it may be overwhelming but it's totally worth it. If you want to go to school but don't know what you want to major in, just do a Google search for things that you're interested in and then find out what jobs are associated with those things and then check out a variety of schools to find one that offers you the program you need. If you don't want to do that, I challenge you to just do research anyway on things that you want to know more about, educate yourself at home and at the library. One of my favorite things to do is go to the library and just look in the library index for topics that I'm interested in and then I'll check out random books that intrigue me, it's a lot of fun and I learn a lot. There are so many resources available to learn whatever it is you want to learn! so just go out there and look, I promise you won't be disappointed.

This is a big one for me. I have found that when I meditate regularly it makes a world of difference. Even if it's just for 10 minutes a day, or in the tub a few times a week. The thing is, with so much going on around us and in our everyday lives it's easy to lose sight of what's really important to us and what we really want. But through meditating you can tune out the world around you and just focus on you and your thoughts. It helps when you're stressed, it helps when you're overwhelmed, it just helps!! I promise you, give it a try and see what you think.

In Conclusion: 
Other things that I'm going to be doing while on this journey to finding myself and living the best life possible, I'm going to be using essential oils to help with everything, I've only just started playing around with them but already I've seen a huge difference and I'm excited to learn more about them. Another thing, is I'm going to be taking Biotin daily and using growth and deep conditioning treatments on my hair. I'm also going to use a lot of the It Works! supplements to help support me and my healthier way of life. I'm going to be transitioning a lot of my daily products (diaper rash cream, cleaning products...etc...) with the Mommy's Club brand products so I can detoxify our home as well as our lives. There's so much more that I'm going to do, however at this time, my two small whovians are calling for me, so I'm going to close with this. Please if you're even a little bit interested in what I'm doing and what you can do let me know. I want to help! I promise it'll be worth it!!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Almost Completely Paleo Spaghetti Squash Pizza Casserole (Broadway Chef Creation the Third)

Don't hate on the plating design but my word this is delicious! And yes the few sprinkles of cheese I put on top and the few slices of pepperoni are not quite #paleo but the majority of the recipe is! SO good.

Post Script: Admittedly I can't take full credit for this piece of culinary genius, a good friend of mine sent me the link to something very similar that got me thinking, so I took the basic idea and made it my own here's what I did:

The Recipe (as usual all organic):

Spaghetti Squash Fully Cooked
Tomato Sauce
Ground Pork Sausage (note: you have to be careful when picking out ground sausage because often times there's a lot of added crap the one I used that did not have any of the said added crap was Farmland Mild Pork Sausage)
Garlic Granules
Real Salt
Onion Granules
The tiniest bit of cheese
and Just a few slices of Pepperoni (these last two ingredients were used minimally just enough to give it a more pizza-y taste)

What to do:
I just stabbed the crap out of the spaghetti squash and cooked it in the microwave for about 15 minutes (a lot quicker than baking it for 30-40 minutes), while the squash was cooking I cooked up the ground pork sausage in a skillet, then added the tomato sauce, onion, real salt and garlic. I let this simmer for a few whilst I cut the ends off the spaghetti squash, cleaned out the seeds and used a fork to scrape out the flesh. I put a layer of spaghetti squash on the bottom of the casserole dish, put a layer of the sausage and tomato sauce, then I put another layer of spaghetti squash and topped it off with the rest of the sausage and sauce mixture. I then topped this with the tiniest bit of cheese, a few pieces of pepperoni, the tomato slices and baked in the oven for 12 minutes at 350 degrees. Let cool and serve.

The verdict:
Talk about almost PaleOmNomNom!! It was fantastic, even the other two Whovians absolutely loved it! This is definitely something that's going on the menu, and honestly the added teeny bit of cheese and pepperoni was delicious but you really don't even need them to give it the delicious pizza-y taste that is has, so next time I'm not even going to worry about adding them and with them omitted this will truly be a 100% Paleo meal, that I will definitely make again and again!!!

Monday, January 13, 2014

There's Been a Change in Me

 There are times when you need to sit back and rethink things. Right now is one of these times...I'm trying to figure out what I need to do to better our lives. I'm working two jobs, started classes again today and I'm still trying to be the best mom I can be. I guess the truth is...I'm sick of feeling like crap all the time, mentally, physically, and spiritually, it's no fun and it's affecting my daughters and that I will not stand for. So, the question is what do I need to do? 

 After giving that question some thought, I'm realizing that I just need to be strong and talk to the one job and tell them that I can not work on Sundays first of all and I need to tell them that I can ONLY work 2-4 times a week but the majority of those times need to be during the week, I'd much rather work 2 or 3 long days at both jobs than keep doing this working the one job Mon-Thurs and then working the other job Thurs-Sun that's what's overwhelming, I don't have a single full day off and not only do I need that but my daughters need it as well. Plus, I don't have time to work on and pursue my dreams when I'm working so much. So, it looks as though I'm going to go talk to them tomorrow. 

 The second thing I realize is that I need to get our lifestyle back on track, I need to take the time to prepare healthy home cooked meals, because the truth is although Paleo and Gluten Free is not for everyone I notice the difference it makes in how my girls and I feel and how we take on our activities, when we don't stick to this way of life, my girls are much more whiny, crying more and are less energetic, and I'm the same way. So I'm going to stick to that too. 

 The third thing? I need to get to the gym more and if I can't make it to the gym I need to find the time to exercise at home, even if it's something as simple as hooping or doing Kinect sports or a work-out video. Along with that though, I think I'm going to start looking into Yoga to help center myself, even if it's just a few simple poses for a few minutes a day. Also, meditation is key! I haven't been meditating as much as I should and I don't feel the way I used to. I'm not as positive, I'm crying more, I'm more depressed, I'm more burnt out. 

 Finally, I need to figure out how to manage my time so that I can do all the things listed above as well as do well in all my classes, keep the house clean, and MOST importantly, spend time with my daughters! I had a heart-to-heart with Maia tonight and that's what brought this change on, she was sitting in my lap and she just started crying and I asked her what was going on, and she said, "I miss you Mommy". That was it, even now it's bringing tears to my eyes, because when your 4 year old tells you that she misses you and then when you ask her why and her response is, "Cause I don't see you anymore". That means that as much as I'm trying to be the mommy I want to be by providing my girls with the best life possible, I'm not being the Mommy they need me to be...and that needs to change, my girls are the light of my life, without them I don't know what I would do...So there you go, the change is happening and it's happening now. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Broadway Chef Creation #2 Almost Paleo Pork Fajitas

Almost Paleo Pork Fajitas

 Okay so first of all, Shh...I know my plating design is not up to par with other people but gimme a break I'm getting there, I promise. Plus, let's be honest even though the picture doesn't do it justice, this dish was amazing and as stated it's almost completely Paleo. 

 So, what is it? This is my latest culinary creation that we'll call simply: Almost Paleo Pork Fajitas.

The Recipe:(all Organic of course)
Green onions
Green bell peppers
Gluten Free Tortillas

Real Salt
Black pepper
Red Pepper 

Fully cook pork in skillet, with a dash of olive oil, cut up all vegetables, add chopped veg mix to pork, add a little bit of water and seasonings, simmer and serve in gluten free tortillas (that's the almost Paleo part), a few other things to consider to make this dish completely paleo (ideas I'm playing with for the next time I make it) try serving the cooked mixture atop a bed of spring greens, or with cauliflower "rice". 

The Verdict:
So tasty, not as spicy as I would personally prefer as the wee bobbins wouldn't eat it if it was, but still good and the Kale being the super food that it is makes this a super, healthy, delectable dish.

In Short: The Truth, The Plan, The Dream!

Sometimes people ask me, "Why don't you just become a Special Needs teacher? You're so good with those kids and you love doing it. Why don't you just do that instead of all this health and wellness and chef stuff?" And although some of you may not have actually asked me, I can't help but think that you are thinking the same things. So here's the plan, here's the dream, the truth:

I absolutely love working with special needs children, however I don't want to do it as a career, and here's why: Often times people ask me how I can stay so calm and work so well with these kids and I tell them, "I teach more with my heart than with my head because all those kids really need is love and understanding". So, with that and the passion I have for working with special needs children the plan is to eventually start a non-profit organization that will raise money to build homes and schools in other countries for children with special needs. Here in the United States we have plenty of resources for special needs children but that is not the case in other parts of the world. So that's what I'm going to do, because really all these kids really need is love and understanding.

So the career plan is this: Once I finish at the University of Phoenix, I am attending culinary school first to get a Bachelors in Hospitality/Culinary management and then I will get my actual culinary degree or certificate. I plan on opening my own wellness retreat/bed and breakfast/mini-resort. That way I can combine my other passions of cooking, creating and helping people into one phenomenal place for one phenomenal experience. I just want to help people be healthy, through eating right, eating well, meditation, relaxation, and wellness. Once I do this, I will be able to soon after start my non-profit organization. So there you go, that's the dream, that's why I do everything that I do. I guess in a nutshell: I just want to help all people all around the world.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Bunch of Random Thoughts, That I Apparently Need to Get Out, Because They're Driving Me Crazy. So Here They Are.

So, I think I had a moment today. I think I'm officially ready to move forward in my life. I don't quite know what happened, but for the longest time, as much as I've tried not to, I have found myself longing for a man in mylife, I was pretty desperate, it was quite pathetic. Constantly trying to contact every single guy that I had in my life asking them if they wanted to hang out, bribing them with such notions as "I'll make food and we can have drinks". If one of them didn't respond it was on to the other...I know it's wretched, and I am even hesitant to post this, because I feel so lame, but I have come to realize that the right guy will make the effort to be with me. And the truth is I'm sick of pretending that there could possibly be something there when there's not. I know what I want so I've decided to just put it out there and just know that eventually it will happen, time to stop being desperate and lonely and time to start being strong and empowered.

Another thing that's on my mind right now. As I mentioned in the title this specific blog is just a bunch of random thoughts. So, I watched a montage of Will Smith today talking about the Law of Attraction and Secrets to Success and the one particular thing that he said that really hit hard was this: "There's no point in having a plan B because it distracts from plan A". This really struck a chord in me because, I realized that that's what I've been doing, instead of just believing that everything will work out with what I really want, I'm constantly worrying about, "What if it doesn't, what else do I need to do right now, just in case" and although I feel like this is being responsible, it's really not, it's as Mr. Smith said, distracting from my original plan. So I am making a promise to myself that instead of freaking out and being negative and wondering how it's going to work out or worrying that thing's aren't going to work out, I'm just going to work as hard as I possibly can, I feel like I'm doing everything I can but there's still more that I need to do, for example, those rare times when I'm not working both jobs, I need to spend the time I have free from both jobs, studying or networking or researching or creating or spending time with the other two Whovians my sweet wee bobbins, or cleaning the house. Never giving up because although the Universe is on my side, I need to aid the Universe in aiding me, meaning doing everything in my power, having faith, praying, being kind, giving back to others, even if it is just a smile at some random person or saying hello to someone, I've said it before and I"m sure I will say it again, sometimes it's even the tiniest actions that can mean the world to someone. I want to make the world a better place, I want to live the life of my dreams, I want to give my wee bobbins everything the deserve, and that means working hard and believing we can and will do it!

So, how do these two random thoughts work together? Well if I'm not so focused on being single and lonely, then I can focus my energy on other things, such as being the mom I want to be, being the woman I want to be, giving my bobbins the life they deserve, and making this life the very best life possible. I foresee that this is going to be a lot of work, but I'm willing to accept that and I'm willing to do whatever I must because without hard work and determination we wouldn't have anything that we have in this world now. It's time to have faith and believe and just go out there and do it. This life is mine to do with it what I will, and if I want things to be different I need to do things differently. So there you have it, and HERE WE GO!! "You must be the change you wish to see in the world".

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Breathe...Just Breathe

So unlike a lot of people in the world, I rang in the New Year, by myself, the other two Whovians tried to stay up with me, but the smallest one fell asleep at 9 and the bigger one fell asleep at 11. So, there I was alone one hour before the clock struck midnight. So, I decided that the best thing to do would be to meditate my way into the New Year, so that's just what I did, I made myself some Yogi tea, drew myself a hot bath and settled in to it to ring in a New Year. 

What came of that meditation? Well, I realized that although I need to focus on myself still and focus on who I truly am, I also need to focus on my daughters more and do everything in my power to give them the best life possible. But along with that, I do need to also focus on helping others. It's a lot to take on but I know I can do it. So although I vowed I was not going to openly share my New Years resolutions (I plan on just showing everyone), I will give you a little peek-sie here.

First thing on my list is to take time everyday to meditate, and center myself and find inner peace, I have a firm belief that in doing this I will be able to find myself and find who I truly am. 

Second thing on my list is to help others in some way every single day, giving of yourself doesn't mean you have to have hundreds of dollars to give to various non-profit organizations (even though some day I hope to be able to do that), but simply just smiling at someone, saying hello, opening the door for someone, it's the little things that sometimes make the biggest difference in peoples lives.

Third thing on my list is to take action, as I mentioned in a previous blog post. It's time to take action in every aspect in my life, health, wellness, careers, dreams, family...EVERY ASPECT.

I think that's all I'll say at this time, but I will promise you this, I'm so ready to take on this New Year with a new outlook on life. I'm going to open my heart, open my arms, and hope for everything but expect nothing. I promise to breathe...Just Breathe.