Friday, December 27, 2013

Love Yourself, Be Who YOU Want To Be

Why is it so hard to embrace who we truly are as individuals? Why do we always worry about what other people think of us first and foremost? Why are we always trying to be the person we think other people want us to be? That's no way to live is it? No, it's not but for the past 26 years that's how I've been living. Always focusing more on what I think other people expect of me, focusing more on being someone I wasn't because I was afraid of disappointing others, but in the process of doing that, something far worse was happening, I was disappointing myself...

So, today I decided to stop caring about what other people think of me and just embrace who I am. And you know what? It was the best I've felt in a long time. Even better as if it was some confirmation from the Universe (or God) whichever you choose to believe, I opened up my Yogi Stress Relief tea to sip on as I was taking a bath and you know what the little Yogi Tea Fortune said? "Appreciate yourself, Embrace your soul". It was mind blowing. It really did feel like a confirmation or a sign if you will that making this decision is definitely the right thing to do.

Now the question arises though, "Who am I? Who do I want to be?" The answer to that: I want to be someone who can wake up in the morning and think to herself, "Today is going to be a beautiful day", and mean it, with all my heart not just pretending it's going to be a beautiful day or hoping it's going to be a beautiful day, knowing that it will be. I want to be someone whom, although she has tattoo's and piercings is still the most amazing person she can be, someone who opens her heart to everyone, someone who is a phenomenal mommy, someone who people will look up to. I want to be able to be lying in bed when I'm 86 years old and thinking back on life, and thinking "I did the very best I could, I rocked this Adventure Better Known As Life, my legacy will be one that people remember for years even after I have passed away. 

But how? Corinne, how are you going to make sure that happens? Well the first step is to believe, but not just believe half-heartedly believe with ALL my heart, know, like I know, like I know that everything will work out. I'm going to be whoever I want to be and I'm going to be amazing at that, I'm going to put my whole heart and soul into everything that I do. Into a relationship someday, into raising my daughters, into my cooking, into my teaching, into my studies, into my pursuing of my dreams, into my modeling, into my jobs, into my business, into my hooping, into my fandom (shh...I know that last one sounds weird but being a Whovian, a geek, a gamer is part of who I am so that needs to be embraced as well), into EVERYTHING I do, it's time to embrace myself, love who I am!!! I will be proud of who I am from this moment on, I will be proud of everything I do, I will do all this and I will create and enjoy the very best life with my daughters, it's our turn, no more being sad, no more second guessing, no more wanting to give up, no more being ashamed to be who I want to be. That's the funny thing though isn't it, "no more being ashamed" I should never be ashamed of who I am because if I am than I'm not who I want to be. So, there you have it.

Thanks for reading, look forward to more posts about this new found sense of self coming soon! I'm anxious, I'm excited, I'm READY!!! 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Broadway Chef Creation #1

Artichoke, Mustard, Salmon and Eggs:

Alright, alright I know the name sounds interesting but I promise you the dish is fantastic! Also, please forgive me I am still working on my plating design. But here it is:

So the recipe:

Wild caught Salmon filet
Organic Marinated Artichokes
3 Tbs. Organic Mustard
Organic Onion Seasoning
3 Organic Eggs
2 Tbs.Organic Olive Oil

Pretty much all I did was heat up the olive oil in a skillet, then mixed together the Artichokes, mustard and seasoning, put mixture on top of salmon and cover with lid, that's it, just let sit in skillet until fish is flaky (it took about 10 minutes). Then immediately scramble eggs in skillet once fish is removed. Once eggs are finished put fish on top of eggs and enjoy. 

The verdict:
The perfect combination of flavors, and it's a plus that it's all organic, and super healthy. Yum, a quick, healthy, flavorful breakfast or brunch.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Taking Action

The clock was racing, her heart was pounding, she had a decision to make and she needed to make it fast. "What do I do?" She thought to herself, "I know this is going to be hard, but what choice do I have? I can either continue to be miserable, by not being able to spend as much time focusing on my students, my own business, my own schooling and most importantly my bobbins, or I can make this decision and know that as hard as it may be it'll be worth it, because by making it, I'll be able to focus more time on all the fore-mentioned things..." Then it hit her, she knew what she had to do, and she needed to do it now. She decided to take action.

The Plan of Action:

1) Regain Confidence
2) Consider It Works! as your job, because it is. If other business owners got discouraged than we wouldn't have anything really. Put as much effort and dedication into this Health and Wellness business as you would in any other job and you'll rock it.
3) Own it! Every aspect of your life, own. It's your life to live however you want, however you imagine, so why just settle? Never settle, exceed expectations in every single part of your life.
4) That's it that's all I've got right now. It's a matter of staying positive, getting clear in your head what you really want and just knowing and believing that it will happen. It will!

Truly, I guess that's all for tonight, the whole idea was just that I had a moment today where I was faced with a really hard decision, but then I knew what I must do, and so I'm doing it, however in doing it, I need to work my ass off, get back in shape (modeling), start eating better (Cooking), start reading and mediating more (clear mind, happy soul), do whatever it takes to be successful (Life) my daughters and I both deserve this, so it's not just for me but it's for them as well, that's why I am taking action now. The time is now to take action and take control of this life =)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Adventure Starts Here

Hello there and welcome to The 3 Whovians and our blog. My name is Corinne and I'm a single mommy who has been blessed with what are probably the two, most amazing, beautiful, angel babies in all of time and space. Maia is my oldest, she's 4 and then Aurilyn is my baby, she's 1, and then there's me. 

So, what you're going to love about our little blog here, is the fact that you'll be able to join us on this adventure that we call life. Not only will you be able to read about our typical every day adventures, but you will also find yummy food recipes, tips to live a healthier, better life. You'll also find ways to stay positive when you feel like you're trapped in the dark with no light to be seen. I'm going to give you warning right here and now that this blog may not always be happy, there may be some language here and there, but for the most part it's going to be fun. You see, I was debating waiting until January 1st to start this blog as the new year is definitely going to be full of new beginnings, but then I realized, why wait,  after what has been a pretty crappy year, things are finally starting to look up, so I figured what the hell, the new year is only a couple weeks away, so why not get a head start.

A little more about me, as I will be the author of this blog: 
Along with being a mommy, I am also a huge geek (hence the name the 3 Whovians), I LOVE to cook, I'm always looking for new ideas to experiment with and try (I never use a recipe, so yes all the foods I post on here will be Broadway Chef originals), I model,  I sing, I hoop, I'm a teacher, I am attending the University of Phoenix now, but will be going straight into Culinary school once I finish there, and I own my own business. I try to stay optimistic all the time, as I find that, that's the best way to live. I am not quite fond of the idea of organized religion, I believe that there are a lot of truths to a lot of religions, therefore, I consider myself more spiritual than religious. Also, although I am quite content being single right now, I do often times find myself longing for that someone who will eventually come along and accept me for all my, geeky, positive, Broadway, chef, mommy, awesomeness. As well as someone who will love my daughters as much as they love me. However, I do realize that I still have a lot of work to do on myself, before that someone will come along, so that's what I'm doing. I mean, how can you expect someone to love you if you don't even love yourself??? Anyway, that's all about me for now. You'll get to know me as my posts come along.

Now the last bit for this particular post is this: I'm hoping to use this blog as a journal, as a dream board, as a recipe book, as a guide to positive thinking, as a guide to a better, happier life. So, there you have it, some of everything I hope you enjoy and thank you for joining us on our adventure. The time is now, the journey is beginning right in this moment. I'll leave you with this, the lyrics to a song that has really touched my heart lately, from the Broadway Musical, Children of Eden (the first musical I ever did), "This step is once again our first, we set our feet upon a virgin land, we hold the promise of the Earth in our hands...Of all the gifts we have received, one is most precious and most terrible, the will in each of us is free, it's in our hands...There is no journey gone so far, so far we can not stop and change direction, no doom is written in the stars, it's in our hands, we can not know what will occur, just make our journey worth the taking, and pray we're wiser than we were, in the beginning, it's the beginning, Now we begin!!!"